Should Christians go to therapy? What does the Bible say?

My faith and beliefs are very important to me. There is nothing more comforting than hearing the words of the Lord at church with my brothers and sisters or in the comfort of my home. When we are faced with adversity, trials, and tribulations, the bible teaches us to bring it to God. “Casting all your care upon him for he careth for you” (1 Peter 5:7 KJV). But as therapy continues to grow in popularity, should Christians go to therapy while casting our cares on God?

What does the Bible say?

As witnesses of Christ, should Christians go to therapy? Is there any biblical evidence that supports or rejects counseling? Proverbs 11:14-15 KJV says, “Where no counsel is, the people fall: But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” As a member of the body of Christ one may feel too embarrassed or prideful to seek help outside of prayer and worship. Some may also feel that they will be judged if they admitted to feeling doubtful and defeated like Jeremiah, Moses, David, or Sarah. Who can you confide in? How do you handle depression, anxiety, or sorrow? All throughout the Bible, God stresses the importance of seeking him first: “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28 KJV). On the other hand, the Bible also emphasizes the importance of community. “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2 KJV). The word therapy is not in the Bible; however, therapy can be defined as a meeting between two or more people who together resolve matters by implementing healthy practices. There are many benefits to seeking counseling or therapy. It is not in any way a replacement for worship but a guide to healing. “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18: 20 KJV). God clearly advocates for us to be joined together, helping one another.

Should Christians go to therapy?

God is always with us in our circumstances, and most importantly God does not want us to go through it alone. God teaches us to always seek knowledge and lean on each other for assistance. Proverbs 18:15 KJV says, “The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge.” Proverbs 27:17 KJV reads, “Iron sharpeneth iron; So a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” Given this, should Christians go to therapy? There is no biblical evidence that therapy is indeed against the law of Jesus Christ. There is enough evidence to support fellowship even if it is in the form of therapy. There are many different types of therapy such as coaching, Christian counseling, or family therapy just to name a few. Deciding which type of therapy is right for you depends on your needs and varies from person to person. Please visit our mental health resources tab if you are considering therapy and do not know where to start.
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7 thoughts on “Should Christians go to therapy? What does the Bible say?”

  1. I’m still not satisfied with the answer. Wise counsel is from other Christians not the ungodly see psalms 1. Where 2 or 3 gathered together in My name (Jesus) are 2 or 3 Christians. We are not to learn the ways of other religions. Ie like staring at mandalas for mindfulness, chanting mantras, using mudras yoga or the eastern type of meditation which empties your mind.. Christians meditation is on the Word of God..

    1. There are countless wonderful, gifted Christian counselors/therapists who are using their spiritual gifts in service to the Kingdom of God by providing wise counsel and support to their fellow believers (their clients/patients).. Just as we would seek help from a nurse or doctor if we had chest pain (and urgently would seek their service I imagine), I believe we should seek help from licensed professional counselors, social workers, mental health therapists, and psychologists who share our Christian faith. I’ve been so very blessed through Christian counseling with a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). I feel certain my Heavenly Father equipped her to provide the excellent care she provides to her clients and their families, and I am certain my walk with Christ is continuing to grow because of our time together. My children are experiencing the benefits of a healthier, happier mother who can also journey well with them through regulating emotions, processing big feelings, and serving others well by helping meet their emotional needs. If you’ve sought wise counsel from a Christian friend or Pastor, you’ve basically experienced counseling… the person just wasn’t a licensed specialist. I truly believe we, as the church, must support well-being in more than the physical sense. If you’d seek a doctor for heart palpitations, you shouldn’t have any reservation seeking a Christian professional counselor for burdens in your heart, processing traumatic experiences, or working on painful relationships, etc.

  2. La pregunta sería : exista la terapia en los tiempos de Jesús? No. Y solo uno es el que puede curar Dios, antes de hablar tus problemas, inquietudes, dudas, ansiedades o lo que sea con un ser igual que vos, que puede estar igual o peor que tu, lleva todo lo que te preo ups al Padre celestial, el único que puede sanar tu mente, alma y cuerpo. El único. Hay que buscar más de Dios y menos de los hombres.

    1. Cierto Pablo, buscad el reino de Dios y su justicia y todo lo demás será añadido. Ahora bien, qué hay de malo en buscar ayuda psicológica cuando nos enfrentamos con situaciones? Que se debe hacer cuando las oraciones y el ayuno no son suficientes? Te pregunto, entonces no podemos ir al hospital cuando nos duele algo o nos sentimos afectados de salud?

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