bible verse to help manage stress and anxiety | poem

Poem about Faith and Anxiety

We are excited to share another powerful poem by community member Lisa Choudhrie, offering a Christian perspective on anxiety struggles. Through her heartfelt words, Lisa reflects on the peace and assurance that can be found in trusting God during moments of fear and uncertainty. Her poetry beautifully illustrates how faith can be a foundation of strength when anxiety overwhelms.

This poem reminds us to seek refuge in God’s promises and lean on Him for support in times of mental and emotional turmoil.

The dark side of the moon 29.10.2022


This poem is for me

The Lisa only I know

She’s scared, anxious

She’s always alone…


She’s got it made she thinks

Sarees draped perfectly

A dash of lipstick and her flawless skin

And she’s off to make history.


The truth is, she’s unsure

Basically of who she is

And she gets rattled easily

Weekends, holidays, family, friends…


So she works hard to forget

She cooks and goes the extra mile

She loves with her heart, oh she means it

Just that she’s empty behind the smile..


She’s trying so hard, it’s funny

And she doesn’t know how to laugh

And she falls for my lies and webs

She’s crazy, without a doubt and a half.


It’s Saturday and she’s getting ready

For the ‘weekenditis’ to hit her

She’ll go through the motions alright

Her soul will be shredded with fear…


And she plays the comparison game

All the time And all these years

She never matches up

So there’s some more tears..


Now it’s getting November

Christmas at hand

So much to do, and do well

Anxiety is her foundation, her sinking sand


And the get togethers  And the parties

Oh man, she’s coming undone

Get a migraine, get crazy

Her spirit is getting sunk…


When will this end?

Will this be the story of my life?

When will there be peace?

In the graveyard, without the light?


But today, it’s Saturday

And I’m not taking any more

These lies from the pit of hell

I’m kicking them out of the door.


So go to hell, anxiety

Take your pal comparison too,

My worth is in being a child of God

My uniqueness is so true.


I take my stand on His presence

His blood shield over me

He is my Rock, my High Tower

He has won the victory.


His love drives out fear

I’m going to breathe this in

His love drives out fear

I stand strong in Him.


My Great Amazing Deliverer

Pooh pooh GAD

He brings life, light and joy

Peace of mind, serenity.


There’s consolation in Him alone

When the waves of anxiety rise

He sets me safe on the Rock

Out of the flood and the fires..


I breathe deep and slow

Turn my neck, count to ten

Hear His words as I yawn

My Spirit finds rest and refreshment.


I am His Child, no one else like me

Every bit inside and out

Is a reflection of His heart

Quashing all my doubts..


I’m loved by Him, eternally

And my family is my treasure

And I’m going to love them

And live in the moment forever.


Moment by moment His love

Will take me places beyond my dreams

I will maximize my potential

 I’m here to make history in these scenes..


And this is going to be my story

This is going to be my song

Jesus is my Redeemer

There’s peace and life, life long.


So if you are reading this

And it resonates with you

I stand with you -no judgment

Pass it on, in Jesus is life and truth.


Get it out of your system

There are loving shrinks

There’s medicine and treatment

Don’t wait till the light dims..


Life is for celebrating

His joy gives us the strength

God our Father protects us

He is our defense.


By Lisa Choudhrie

To read more of Lisa’s insightful work, visit her blog at

More Poems on the Blog…

Poems about Faith and Mental Health

Mental Health Poems: Pieces from A Generation of Sunflowers

Poems About Mental Health: Pieces from Bloom

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