Better Mental Health: Your New Years’ Goal in 2023!

How to improve your mental health in 2023

The first step to better mental health as a Christian is understanding what the Bible says about caring for your mind. Next, it is essential to recognize why you should pay attention to your mind in addition to your body. Once you realize the importance of attending to your mind and your body, you can learn to integrate caring for your mind within your routines of caring for the health of your body.

What better time to pursue a new goal than in the new year? You are already on the path to a healthier mind by increasing your awareness of your mind’s need for care. Try to add a few of the below tips into the next month and see what difference it makes on your mental health! 



Taking healthy steps for your body cares for your mind too

Our bodies were created to work together—what helps your body often helps your mind! Psychiatrist Gregory Brown’s recent book “The Self-Healing Mind” summarizes much of the current research about the benefits of sleep, nutrition, exercise, and breathing. By making it a habit to get quality sleep, feed our bodies nutritious food, exercise regularly, and breathe deeply, we can calm our nervous systems. A calm nervous system can help maintain a calm mind. In fact, exercising regularly with your favorite way of movement can have positive effects on anxiety and depression. So, by taking care of the health of your body, thank yourself for also helping your mind!


Add God’s word to your better mental health goals 

The Bible is filled with God’s deep wisdom and knowledge of how God made the world and how humans can live well and abundantly. God instructs us to meditate on His word night and day to strengthen our relationship with Him. Scripture also helps the health of our minds by focusing our attention on the truth, not the lies surrounding us in our world. Neuroscience is catching up to God’s revelation through His word all along. Our brains are changed for the better when we practice mindfulness, gratitude, and meditation on God’s presence and promises. We are instructed to think about things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). Taking efforts to put God’s word and the goodness He provides at the front of our thoughts will comfort our minds. 



Work with a professional when needed

Doctors aim to heal our bodies, and mental health professionals help heal our minds. As humans, we all experience circumstances and emotions that are difficult to process alone. Because of that, it can be helpful to partner with a skilled professional to guide you toward better mental health. Jesus is our ultimate Counselor as Christians, yet He also provides for us through compassionate conversation and treatment from others. Check out two other blogs to learn more if therapy is the next step for you: Should Christians Go to Therapy? And Do I Need Therapy? 

Finding the right combination of practices and routines that help the health of your mind can take some time—don’t get discouraged! Every time you try to pay attention to your mental health is a step in the right direction. Your body’s health is important, and so is your mind’s health. Remember to tend to it through some of these simple tips and learn what works best for you. See what a difference it makes in your year in 2023! 

Please visit our mental health resources tab if you are considering therapy and do not know where to start.

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