man praying at a church pew with an open Bible

A Prayer for the Black Community

This prayer is dedicated to the Black community – my Black brothers and sisters who are in need of healing from racial trauma. We often forget the importance of uplifting each other when we feel broken. We must speak truth when lies seem more prevalent. For decades, we’ve experienced segregation, slavery, police brutality, and the denial of basic human dignity. These trials not only helped to make us stronger. It also resulted in a vivacious movement that granted us equal rights. There is still more work to be done. 



Mental Health in the Black Community

We need to address mental health in the Black community, especially in the Church. It’s disheartening to know that “only one in three Black Americans who need mental health care receives it. In addition, Black people with mental illnesses, particularly bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, and other psychoses, are more likely to be incarcerated than members of any other racial/ethnic group with similar conditions.” This shows that there is heavy stigmatization concerning mental health in the Black community. While church can be a viable option, there are certain stigmas that are also pervasive in those spaces.


Dear God

Prayer for Unity

Lord, I pray that we come together as a community and reignite faith in the mental health sphere. I pray that we don’t have to hide behind the mask of being “strong” or fear being labeled as “angry” or “aggressive” when we try to express the deep-rooted anguish that comes from the unrelenting racial tension in America. 

Prayer for Your Guidance

Lord, I pray that we embrace who you created us to be and walk in the abundant life that Jesus died to give us. Jesus, I admire your heart for justice. When you saw that something was wrong, you spoke up about it. You turned over tables, cursed Pharisees, and silenced false accusers. Jesus, you fought for the disadvantaged groups. You spent time with people who were deemed “worthless” by an oppressive regime. Let us follow your example. Help us to see that true justice comes when we uplift one another rather than placing judgment on those who are struggling. 

Prayer for Your Understanding

Lord, I pray that you help us to see that “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18). Help us to realize that talking about our struggles with mental health is not weakness but that vulnerability is our greatest strength. Lord, help us to understand that you care about our hearts more than our accolades. Gaining justice at the expense of internal freedom is not justice at all. 


prayer for mental health in the black community

Thank You, Lord

Jesus, I thank you for allowing me to recognize that there are no racial barriers in your love for us (Romans 8:38-39). I thank you that I can cry out about the need for healing in the Black community and have the assurance that you’re listening. Please forgive us for believing that managing mental health made us weak and “crazy.” Forgive us for being quick to judge others when they share their experiences with managing a mental illness or dismissing those experiences with spiritual euphemisms

We need to restore unity in the Black community in order to create safe spaces for processing mental health. We need to encourage one another to seek help from mental health professionals when we need additional support. Instead of vilifying our people who struggle with mental health conditions, we need to come alongside them and intercede for them in prayer. We need to normalize compassion rather than division. We need to encourage empathy rather than pressuring each other to be strong all the time. Help us to seek your face, Lord so that we can start to heal together. 

In Jesus’ Name, I Pray, Amen.


Let us know below: What prayers has the Lord laid on your heart?

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2 thoughts on “A Prayer for the Black Community”

  1. Praying that this prayer will reach those who so desperately need it. That it will get the exposure that will bring about change in the black community. More of this please!!!

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