Christian Mental Health Initiative

Christian Mental Health Initiative is a program aimed to increase the mental health literacy of Christians around the world. Though mental health and spiritual health are similar, we must learn about their differences to effectively achieve the wellness we seek.

Christian Mental Health Initiative

Christian Mental Health Initiative is a program aimed to increase the mental health literacy of Christians around the world. Though mental health and spiritual health are similar, we must learn about their differences to effectively achieve the wellness we seek.

What We Offer


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About CMHI

Christian Mental Health Initiative (CMHI) is a program founded by Dr. Atasha Jordan with the goal of increasing mental health literacy and mental health care utilization within the church. Millions of people with mental illnesses do not receive treatment due to stigma, lack of information, costs, and many other factors. In Christian communities, the stigma is even greater.

What CMHI participants say

Help The Hurting
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I’m thanking God that he has equipped you with skills to come alongside hurting believers.

Mary Jane, Barbados
Enlightening Others
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Thank you Dr. Jordan for your presentation. It was enjoyable and enlightening.

Pam, Barbados
Seeking Help Is Strength
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I learned that seeking help is a not sign of weakness but a sign of strength.

Anonymous, USA

Most Popular Questions To Discuss Mental Health

Mental health incorporates finding a balance between our ever-changing emotional, cognitive, and behavioral wellbeing

Friends, family, and church members are often huge sources of support. However, sometimes we need to seek extra help from a professional. This could be a therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist.

We cannot fully predict who will or will not experience mental health problems, but there is a lot that we can do to minimize our chances of experiencing mental illness. There are also many options to treat mental health problems that do arise.

Some mental health problems have higher success rates for treatment than others. In some cases, relapses can occur. However, talking to your doctor or therapist can help prevent relapses from happening.

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